A KLIP PILOT PRODUCTION: The Local Church, currently in production, is a half hour television series made for CBN.
It examines the role of the church in the community.
As the "new world" was settled most communities that sprouted up 200 years or more ago discovered a very vast and remote country. In many cases settlers had to endure hostile circumstances as well as the natives who didn't want to turn over "their land ."
The church became the heart of the commuinty. It provided many of the necessities a growing community relied upon. Communities without a church most often died out over a period a years for various reason when difficulties arose.
Looking through the windows of the church, the series travels throughout the west rediscovering the frontier landscapes and the stories that made the wild west
forever a tale of dreams, suffering, survival, and triumph. "the american way of life."
Looking through the windows of the church, the series travels throughout the west rediscovering the frontier landscapes and the stories that made the wild west
forever a tale of dreams, suffering, survival, and triumph. "the american way of life."
Kirk Loy 2010
The setting is Tierra Amarilla in northern New Mexico.